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Статья содержит 25 фактов о БДСМ, включая определение термина, связь с сексом, отсутствие негативных последствий для здоровья, необходимость согласия и стабильность предпочтений. Статья написана с целью развенчать мифы и предубеждения о БДСМ и показать, что это всего лишь одна из форм сексуальности и образа жизни.

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The article discusses the author's experience with rope play and how different people react to it. The author's partner was more interested in the theme of consensual non-consent rather than the sensuality of rope. The author also shares experiences with other people who reacted differently to being tied up. The article aims to help rope tops avoid common mistakes in rope play.

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Learn how to tie the Woven Flat Tie with MrLeto at Orlando Woodshed FIRE. This knot is perfect for repeated ladder ties and single column ties. It lies flat under tension and doesn't dig into the flesh. Follow the step-by-step instructions to create the knot and practice weaving tighter to maintain tension. Check out more SpiceNWolf Shibari Rope Manual posts and a link to MrLeto's Woven Hip Harness on YouTube.

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