However, no matter what I did, it didn’t work that way for my partner. She wanted to be restrained, sure… but she wasn’t into the rope itself. She was more into the struggling, the capture, the theme of consensual non-consent. She didn’t want the sensuality of rope… she wanted the restriction of restraint. However, she wasn’t great at communicating that. And I was thinking, again, that I was doing something wrong.
However, when I tied someone new… she relaxed immediately into my arms as if she had been sedated. Just went boneless, limp.
* The next person after that ended up falling asleep in my rope, hypnotized by the sounds and the movements of tie after tie after tie.
* The next person after that got incredibly turned on as soon as she was tied and I began moving her about. Just these insanely breathy, gasping reactions.
* The next after that got so turned on as soon as the rope went on that she nearly vibrated.
* The next after that again enjoyed a good struggle, and started to as soon as I began to tie her.